1.1 The name of the organization shall be the St. Lucia Amateur Bodybuilding and Body Fitness Association hereafter referred to as SLBBFA.
1.2 The headquarters of the SLABBFA shall be based in Castries or wherever determined by the General Assembly.
In the interpretation of the Constitution of the St. Lucia Bodybuilding and Body Fitness Association, unless the context otherwise requires:
2.1 SLABBFA shall mean the St. Lucia Bodybuilding and Body Fitness Association.
2.2 Constitution shall mean the by-laws of the SLABBFA, as set out in the Letters Patent and Supplementary Letters Patent and as prescribed and amended from time to time by the General Assembly.
2.3 Rules shall mean those rules, regulations, policies, guidelines, directives and decisions which the Executive Council may, from time to time, prescribe and amend for the purpose of carrying out the objects of the SLABBFA.
2.4 National Executive shall mean the board of directors of the SLABBFA as described hereinafter in Article 10 of this Constitution.
2.5 Biennial shall mean the Executive Council
2.6. Member shall mean a member in good standing of the SLABBFA, namely a member who is in conformity with the Constitution and Rules.
2.7 The sport of bodybuilding and body fitness shall mean the amateur competitions, meetings, events, promotions, seminars and other related activities.
2.8. CACBBFF shall mean Central America and the Caribbean Body Building Federation, which is the parent body of the SLABBFA.
2.9 IFBB shall mean International Federation of Body Builders, which is the parent body of the CACBBFF.
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